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  2017-08-02   来源:乳山网(365bet网址主页)   作者:于瑄
Textile and Garment Industry Cooperation Project
一、产业发展现状Current Development Status
乳山市纺织服装产业现有企业1000多家,其中规模以上企业71家,从业人员 1.8万人,2016年销售收入121亿元,上缴税金1亿多元。主营业务涵盖了毛衫、梭织、针织、化纤面料、棉麻面料染整加工及服装生产等,产品主要出口欧美日韩等国家和地区。
There are more than 1,000 textile and garment enterprises with total 18,000 employees, including more than 71 enterprises with a certain scale. The total sales revenue reached RMB 12.1 billion and tax paid came up to RMB more than 100 million in 2016. The main business  covers the dyeing and finishing of sweaters, tatting, knitting, chemical fabrics, cotton fabrics dyeing process and garment manufacture etc. and  the products are mainly exported to Europe, USA, Japan, South Korea and other countries and religions.
二、项目合作内容Project Cooperation
Located in Urban Industrial Park, the small garment characteristic town covers a starting area of 1.1 km². “Five Centers and One Base” i.e. Garment Exhibition Center, Garment Trading Center, Garment Design Center, Logistics and Warehousing Center, Industry Incubation Center, and Garment Processing Base, is to be constructed, mainly relying on the existing garment industry base. This small town will be created as a garment characteristic industry cluster area with a certain impact in the country planning in 3 to 5 years, integrating culture, tourism, trade and industry.
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